Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Outcome

So, today I was determined to actually blow-dry my hair... start to finish and not wimp out because my shoulders got tired haha

Step one: Blow-Dry with the new handy dandy round brush. 20 minutes.
The good thing about learning to blow-drying is that I am no longer stuck to curly styles only if I did not plan ahead and shower the night before.
The bad thing is it takes me forever and a day to get ready even with short hair because of how thick it is... And, as you can see in the picture, it does not get rid of all the frizzy curls. Darn.

Step two: Brush out and figure out what I actually want to do with my hair. 2 minutes.

I decided I would attempt a much more sleek straight look with a twist.. Literally a twist :)

Step three: Straighten and add a twist.
15 minutes.

I like this picture because you can really see the faded red, grown out natural color, and the darker brown haha.. I may have to start thinking of a new color I want.

Then of course I had to finish getting ready in general and give a finale picture:

Success! (37minutes + make-up time later)

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